10 Ingredient Tonic

One of the most popular formulas in Chinese medicine perfectly blended to enhance energy, nourish the blood, and balance yin and yang. It strengthens immunity and resistance, regulates vital functions and prolongs life. 

  1. Ren Shen

  2. Bai Zhu

  3. Fu Ling

  4. Gan Cao

  5. Shu Di Huang

  6. Chuang Xiong

  7. Dang Gui

  8. Bai Shao Yao

  9. Rou Gui

  10. Huang Qi

Put herbs in a glass or ceramic heatproof vessel with 4 cups spring water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain the broth and reserve. Add 2 more cups spring water to the herbs, boil and simmer again until reduced by half. Strain the broth, add it to the first brew, and discard the herbs. Divide the broth into 3 equal doses and drink warm on an empty stomach in the early morning, in the afternoon, and at bedtime.

Sara Kaufman