5 Tips for Self Care During COV-19

Here are some important self-care tips; Focusing on these basic ways to nourish yourselves are things you have control over and by taking care of yourself you are taking care of everyone else


Focus on getting a good night’s sleep by giving your body enough hours, ideally 8 hours to be asleep. When we sleep well, our gut bacteria are happier, our immune system works better, and our blood vessels are healthier. Our DNA also repairs itself at night when we have a good night’s rest. If you’re having trouble unwinding at night, try listening to a guided meditation app. Headspace and Calm are two of my favorites that can help you into a more relaxes space. Make sure to listen to your body and rest or nap if you are tired.


Nourishing food-

Eat and cook warm foods like soups, stews, congee, and broths. Make sure you are eating vegetables and protein. Eat regular meals at regular times, do not eat before bed. All this will help you to keep your blood sugar levels stable and support your digestive function.  



Keep up your hydration with plenty of water, tea, and broth



Get outside for a walk (keeping enough distance from others and making sure that you protect yourself from the cold and wind with protective clothing i.e. Scarf and hat and jacket) practice breathing, gentle stretching and movements like Qi gong. I love Lee Holden’s online qi gong classes. Lee is offering free access to immune-boosting qi gong classes if you’d like to check them out, here is the link: Holden Qigong 

You can also find free yoga and Pilates classes on YouTube, two teachers I follow are Heart and Bones yoga for gentle stretching and Sean Haleen Yoga classes. 


Stay connected-

Although we are all practicing social distancing, it is a great opportunity to connect with family and friends through email, letters, phone, or video calls. 

Stay informed but stay balanced by managing the stress and anxiety. We should practice things that help us stay calm and not lose hope in ourselves or each other.

Don’t hesitate to email or call (707)498-5313 or info@traditionalhealingarts.com