Herb of the Month: Hei Zhi Ma, Black Sesame Seeds

Chinese: Hei Zhi Ma

English: Black Sesame Seeds


💊 Pharmaceutical - Sesami Semen Nigrum

❤️ Meridians - Liver, Kidney, Large Intestine

✨ Category - Tonify the Yin

👅 Taste - Sweet

☀️ Temperature - Neutral

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General functions:

  • Helps for premature gray hair. Black sesame is better than white sesame. Black sesame seeds are the type used the most for medicinal purposes. They are approximately five percent fat and are rich in calcium, as well as phosphate and iron. Black sesame seeds lubricate both the skin outside and the intestines inside, help with constipation and improve one’s complexion and hair.

  • From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the color of food provides an important clue to some of its properties for health. In Chinese medicine, black foods are thought to nourish the kidneys, supporting the reproductive systems, strengthening bones, increasing libido, and favoring longevity. Black sesame seeds, black wood ear mushrooms, black beans, seaweed, and black dates are common in Asian cuisine.


  • Supplements the Liver and Kidney

  • Nourishes Blood

  • Moistens dryness and lubricates intestines


  • Blurred vision, tinnitus, dizziness; increase the quantity of breast milk

  • Headache, dizziness, numbness due to blood or yin deficiency

  • Constipation due to dry intestines or blood deficiency


  • Diarrhea due to Spleen deficiency


  • 9-30g


  • Antihyperlipidemic
