Chinese Nodes: October 2020

寒露 Han Lu

‘Cold Dew’

Han Lu: 17th Solar Term

‘Cold Dew’ October 8, 2020

Sun = 195°

Han Lu occurs this year on October 8 and is known as ‘Cold Dew’. It is the seventeenth of the 24 Solar Terms which divide the year into 24 ‘terms’ or seasonal markers. Based on the 360° passage of the Earth around the Sun, each term is 15° which translates into 15 days per term.

Han Lu is a time when the dropping nighttime temperatures result in cold dew in the mornings. The air becomes more unpredictable in both temperature and humidity. Guard against the wind. Process any grief and sadness as we further prepare for the eventuality of increasing yin and darkness. Nature withdraws inside. Find comfort in this and embrace that we are a part of, and not apart from all things.

Cold Dew ChineseNode

霜降 Shuang Jiang

‘Shuang Jiang’

Shuang Jiang: 18th Solar Term

‘Frost Descent’

October 23, 2020

Sun = 210°

Shuang Jiang occurs this year on October 23 and is known as ‘Frost Descent’. It is the eighteenth of the 24 Solar Terms which divide the year into 24 ‘terms’ or seasonal markers. Based on the 360° passage of the Earth around the Sun, each term is 15° which translates into 15 days per term.

Shuang Jiang is the last solar term of the autumn season and heralds the arrival of the winter season with decreasing temperatures, increasing hours of darkness, and the further preparation of nature for the coming period of yin dormancy. Understanding the cycles of nature is the key to understanding ourselves. “Observe nature and live according to your observations.”

Frost Descent Chinese Nodes