Chinese Nodes: March 2020

驚蟄 Jing Zhe

Hibernating animals come to sense

Jing Zhe: 3rd Solar Term

March 4th to March 19, 2020

Awakening of Insects or Start of Summer

Sun = 345°

🐛Jing Zhe occurs this year on March 5 and is known as ‘Awakening of Insects’ according to the Chinese Solar calender. It is the third of the 24 Solar Terms which divide the year into 24 ‘terms’ or seasonal markers. Based on the 360°  passage of the Earth around the Sun, each term is 15°  which translates into 15 days per term.

🐞Jing Zhe begins when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° . It is the time when life begin to stir from dormancy. The first character ‘jing’ means ‘startled’ or ‘frightened’ and is the image of the first thunder of spring startling or frighteneing insects from their winter hibernation ‘zhe’.

Copy of IG_ Feb 4 The Beginning of Spring (Li Chun) (1).png

春分Chun Fen

Day and night are equally long

Chun Fen: 4th Solar Term

‘Spring Division’

Vernal Equinox

March 20, 2020

Sun = 0°

🌱Chun Fen occurs this year on March 20 and is known as ‘Spring Division’ or more commonly the ‘Vernal Equinox’. It is the fourth of the 24 Solar Terms which divide the year into 24 ‘terms’ or seasonal markers. Based on the 360o passage of the Earth around the Sun, each term is 15o which translates into 15 days per term.

☀️Chun Fen begins when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 0o and corresponds to the Vernal Equinox. Equal periods of day and night. This is a period of rising yang within yin (shao yang - 小陽). Summer being yang within yang (tai yang - 太陽). Fall is the period of rising yin with yang (shao yin - 小陰). Winter is the period of yin with yin (tai yin - 太陰).

Copy of Copy of IG_ Feb 4 The Beginning of Spring (Li Chun) (1).png