What is Moxibustion Therapy?
When most people in the west think of acupuncture they picture doctors using fine needles inserted along the body.
The word in Chinese that we commonly translate as “acupuncture” is zhen jiu (針灸), really a combination of two words – one for needle (針) and one for moxibustion (灸)
Moxibustion is a type of heat therapy applied to the body, commonly at acupuncture points. The source of heat is the burning of mugwort leaf that has been dried and processed into a soft fluffy material known as moxa floss or moxa wool. There are many methods of moxibustion.
Probably the most popular method of moxibustion today utilizes a moxa stick, also known as a moxa pole. A moxa stick looks like a cigar and is composed of moxa wool packed tightly and then wrapped in paper. One end is lit and then, while smoldering, is held over the skin to warm an area or an acupuncture point. Since the moxa pole should never touch the skin, this method is safe for home use.
Moxibustion has the dual effect of warming and strengthening the Qi of the internal organs. Since it has a warming effect, it also moves stagnant Qi in the channels when applied to areas of pain caused by cold. More importantly, however, since at least the Jin dynasty (265 – 419) applying moxibustion has played an important role in disease prevention, and today it is a major part of the Nourishing Life tradition of Chinese medicine. Dou Cai, in his Song dynasty (960 – 1279) text Bian Que’s Heart Method (Bian Que Xin Shu), said that moxibustion is the first method of Nourishing Life and preventing disease
As moxibustion warms the interior, it is an important health maintenance technique for use in winter. Healthy people over the age of 40 can use moxibustion preventatively by warming certain acupuncture points of the body.
Qi Hai, literally the “Sea of Qi,” is an acupuncture point located on the lower abdomen and is sometimes linked to the Lower Dan Tian (xia dan tian 下丹田) discussed in Qigong practice. It is found 1.5 cun (or about 2 fingers breath) below the umbilicus right on the midline of the abdomen. It warms the original Qi of the Kidney. Qi Hai also treats all types of internal weakness, and all types of abdominal pain due to stagnation and cold. A general disease prevention method is to stimulate Qi Hai with moxa cones or moxa pole. Moxibustion at this point can be done at the beginning of winter each year for several days or even daily for a few weeks to prevent disease throughout the season. As there is a risk of burns with any moxa application, before attempting at home please come into the clinic to learn how to apply.