Acupressure for Summer

LI 11- Eleventh point of the Large Intestine channel

One of the best points for clearing heat is Qu Chi 曲池穴


The eleventh point of the Large Intestine channel (LI-11). This point is located at the end of the crease of the elbow on the outside of the arm when the arm is bent (see diagram above).

Qu Chi -

Is used to treat all sorts of heat conditions including high fever, sore throat, redness of the eyes, agitation, manic behavior, and red inflamed skin. In modern times it is used to treat some types of hypertension. In addition to clearing heat, Qu Chi opens the movement of qi and blood in the upper limbs to treat numbness and pain.

There are a few different ways to stimulate this point and channel that are appropriate for general use in Summer. First, Qu Chi by itself can be treated with acupressure. Using the thumb press deeply into the point until there is a heavy or numb sensation that moves slightly down the arm. Hold pressure for a count of 30 seconds and then release. Repeat several times throughout the day. Alternately, use an acupressure device to do the same procedure.

Sara Kaufman