Chinese Nodes: July 2020

小暑 Xiao Shu

‘Minor Heat’

Xiao Shu: 11th Solar Term

‘Minor Heat’

July 6, 2020

Sun = 105

Xiao Shu begins as the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 105o . It is the high time of rainfall and also the time that the fire-worms are flying outdoors. People may feel uneasy and exhausted so it is the time to care for the heart, over joy and grief are both harmful to heart. In dining, pay more attention to abstinence and keep the Five tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, hot, salty) balanced. Avoid any excess that generates heat: alcohol, sweets, excersise.


大暑 Da Shu

‘Major Heat’

Da Shu: 12th Solar Term

‘Major Heat’

July 22, 2020

Sun = 120

Da Shu begins as the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 120o . It is the hottest, and often raniest period all year. Heat and moisture can both undermine health. Therefore, arrange work accordingly, especially if outdoors. Pay attention to keeping cool, hydrated and sufficient sleep. In dining, have some herbal porridge to preserve the body and avoid Damp-Heat diseases. Drinking a cup of fresh and cool boiled water is recommended.
