Year of the Metal Ox

Year of the.png

This will begin the year of the Ox Metal also known as the Golden Ox in the 12-year cycle of animals in the Chinese zodiac. The Ox (Cow( is the second animal in the Chinese Zodiac system.


The Ox Meaning

In Chinese culture, the Ox is a symbol of strength and steady determination and is a respected animal valued for its ability to work hard and endure. The Ox is credited with the values of constancy and cooperation. These are usually slow-moving animals that are even-tempered and placid unless they are provoked. The Element for Ox is Yin Earth, as it is an animal long connected to farming.

Think of Agriculture- ox doing hard work to plow fields, sow the seeds for future to grow abundance. They are steady and determined and have a plan. Like the OX, this is a year to focus on perseverance - moving slowly, steadily, and consistently forward to cultivate for the future.


Metal Year

Metal year- In 5 element cycle (Based on the lunar calendar. Follows Jupiter's orbit around the sun.) Metal- firm, rigidity, strength, ambition, set in their ways as metal is strong, they cut to the chase. The element for the year is Yin Metal, which is harmonious with the Earth Element, as Earth generates and feeds Metal. This implies a calmer and more stable year with less anger, less contentious behavior and much less potential for violence. Yang behavior will simply not be supported or be sustainable. Yin Metal is about the future and our hopes and dreams, which can start to inspire us again.

Ox is an earth element -the earth is the nature of ox but metal will be influencing it. 

Ox is down-to-earth, reliable, determined, strong, sometimes inflexible.

Years Outlook

The overall outlook for the year is positive, especially towards the latter part of the year. Harvest comes in the summer and fall months, which also correspond to the elements of the year. So there is hope that life will get better in many ways for many people as the year progresses.

Use the energy of the zodiac to bring abundance this year.

Wishing you joy, vitality, and prosperity in the year of the metal ox. 

Story of the Metal Ox

In the Lü Shi Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autum Annals of Lü Bowei; 呂氏春秋), the classic text of Chinese philosophy from the 3rd century BCE, there is a parable that describes a strong man named Wu Huo and an ox. It says that even if Wu were to grab the ox by its tail and expend all his strength to pull the beast, he would only succeed in snapping off its tail rather than moving it backwards. Yet, a small child could take that very same ox by the ring in its nose and pull the animal forwards with hardly any strength at all. Why is this? This is because Wu Huo tried to pull the ox against its natural direction while the child pulled in the same direction the ox naturally moves. The text goes on to tell us that, for people, moving in the natural direction of life results in longevity and health. The Chinese word used to describe this ‘moving with the natural direction of things’ is shun (順), which is literally written with the characters that mean head (頁) and river (川). The image is clear – it is like diving into a river, head first, and allowing oneself to move in the direction of the water, without effort or struggle. This was the original, “go with the flow!”

I am so thankful I was able to attend Lillian Pearl Bridges class on year of the Ox, stop in to learn more about Year of the ox and the impact it will have on your life and those around you! See you at the shop!