Chinese Nodes 2021

24 Solar Terms

Chinese Nodes also known as Solar Terms is a calendar of 24 periods and climates that are governed by agriculture and are arranged by the ancient Chinese. Each solar position is about 15 days and it is decided by the position of the sun in the sky.

History and the Origin:

During the Shang Dynasty 17th century BC-1046 BC. four solar terms were established. The Spring Equinox (Chun Fen), The Summer Solstice (Xia Zhi), The Autumn Equinox (Qiu Fen), The Winter Solstice (Dong Zhi) by observing the shadow at noon. When the shadow is shortest in a year, it is Summer Solstice, the longest is Winter Solstice and the moderate is Spring Equinox or Autumn Equinox. In Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC - 221BC), eight solar terms were used. In 104 BC, the astronomical positions of 24 solar terms were decided.

How does it Work?

The 24 Solar Terms suggest the position of the sun every 15 degrees of travel on the ecliptic longitude. Each month there are often two solar terms, the first is normally ‘Jie Qi’ and the second is ‘Zhong Qi’. The dates are according to the Gregorian calendar.

Stay tuned for more seasonal nodes!


image above sourced from Travel China Guide