So what's CUPPING?

As one of the external therapies, cupping is an important part of traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Cupping regulates microcirculation of the body and adjusts lymph circulation, and strengthens lymphocyte production, helping to remove pathogenic conditions such as stubborn inflammation, to restore normal body functions and treat associated pain.


Used especially for pain and soft tissue injuries, cupping treats acute and chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation, such as arthritis, is called “wind-cold-dampness” in traditional texts.

Cupping is even used to treat dysfunction at deeper levels of the body, such as the “zang fu,” meaning your organs. Thus, this external therapy can aid the treatment of internal issues. Cupping expels wind-cold -causing colds, cough, asthma and headaches, resolves dampness- achy pains and arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and metabolism issues, is used in weight loss, it circulates qi- treating pain and lymph issues, lubricates the joints and relieves chronic and seasonal pain. Traditionally an integral component in the treatment of moving pain, neck and back pain, pain in the limbs, essential to bring down fever, and can draw out internal pathogens and pathogenic fluids.

Cupping Example:

It’s fast and effective- some pathologies can be significantly alleviated by one application of cupping, for example, Immediate relief of general and lower back.

Through its physical manipulation of the skin and other external tissues, using negative pressure, it can stimulate healing of those that lie deeper. It is a relatively non- invasive way to treat pain fast. Cupping is also, of course, a way to prevent pain and even is used as prevention of head colds. Most patients look forward to cupping because it can be as relaxing and give as much pleasure as massage.

Sara Kaufman