Qigong, Meditation, and Activities for Winter SeasonsSara KaufmanDecember 10, 2020qigong, meditation, activities for winter, Jing, Jing Essence, Qigong
Chinese Nodes: December 2020 Chinese NodesSara KaufmanDecember 6, 2020Chinese Nodes, major snow, da xue, dong zhi, winter extreme
Herb of the Month: Hei Zhi Ma, Black Sesame Seeds Herb of The MonthSara KaufmanDecember 1, 2020Traditional Healing ArtsHerb of the Month, health, hei zhi ma, black sesame seeds
Teas for Winter SeasonsSara KaufmanNovember 25, 2020tea for winter, oolongs, black tea, pu erh teas, pu erh, Qi, ginger, cinnamon
4 Ways to Soak up the Season SeasonsSara KaufmanNovember 10, 2020soak up the season, give yourself permission, be present, schedule downtime
Chinese Nodes: November 2020 Chinese NodesSara KaufmanNovember 7, 2020Chinese Nodes, minor snow, xiao xue, li dong, standing up of winter
Herb of the Month: Lian Zi, Lotus Seeds Herb of The MonthSara KaufmanNovember 3, 2020Traditional Healing ArtsHerb of the Month, health, lian zi, lotus seed
Chinese Nodes: October 2020 Chinese NodesSara KaufmanOctober 8, 2020Chinese Nodes, cold dew, han lu, shuang jiang, frost descent
Recipes: Xing Ren Apricot Seed RecipesSara KaufmanSeptember 12, 2020xing ren, recipes, pork soup, almond cookies, Steamed asian pears